Size - 254607,36 Kilobytes; Genres - Action; liked It - 21 Reviews; PlayStation 4. Astravo atominė elektrinė (Astravo AE, oficialiai Baltarusijos AE, brus. , rus. . statoma 2 blokų (2400 megavatų) branduolinė jėgainė Baltarusijoje, netoli Mikailiškių (Šulninkų kaime) Astravo rajone, 20 km iki Lietuvos su infrastruktūra kainuos daugiau kaip 9 mlrd. Ignalinos atominė elektrinė. ATOMINE is a twin stick procedural rogue-lite shooter set in a virtual world with minimalist design, where the player recounts on the screen the real events of STUXNET, the first weapon ever created in the form of computer virus. Fast and Fun Atomine is fast. There are a lot of enemies and you have to kill all of them to complete the levels.
All the latest ATOMINE news, sales, achievements, videos and screenshots. ATOMINE Trophies, TrueTrophies. Atomine Trophies. Summary: Atomine is a twin stick procedural shooter rogue-lite set in a virtual world with minimalist design, where the player recounts on the screen the real events of STUXNET, the first weapon ever created in the form of computer virus.